August 2022

The Effectiveness of Copy the Master Learning Techniques in Learning to Write Explanation Texts in Class XI-IPS SMA Negeri 14 Maluku Tengah
Everhard Markiano Solissa
Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, FKIP Universitas Pattimura, Indonesia

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This study is an experimental that aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of copy the master learning techniques in learning to write explanation texts in class XI-IPS SMA Negeri 14 Maluku Tengah. The research data were in the form of the results of the explanation text writing test which were taken from the results of the pre-test and post-test of the control class and the experimental class. The research subjects were students of class XI-IPS SMA Negeri 14 Makuku Tengah, totaling 42 people. The final score of each student is obtained from the number of correct answers divided by the number of questions then multiplied by the ideal score (100). The final value is then converted according to the specified criteria. The results showed that the use of the copy the master technique was very effective in learning to write explanation texts. This can be seen in the average pre-test and post-test scores of the experimental class, which is 53.33 (pre-test average) to 73.57 (post-test average).


copy the master, effectiveness, experiment, explanation text, learning technique.


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